Friday, August 8, 2014

What to pack for 36 hours of living in a van

With our team meeting coming up this weekend (and me so sad that I won't make it!), I thought it timely to add a "here's whatcha need" list to the blog.

Crap you need to wear
  • 3 full changes of clothing, along with 3 gallon-sized zip locs.  Put 2 of the sets into ziplocs and squeeze out the air to save packing space.  Wear the 3rd set. (Top, bottom, socks, bra) - THREE sets are not optional, unless you want to ride on the roof.
  • 2 sets of sneakers (if you have them), rotate them during your runs.  Also, it may rain.
  • 1 pair of comfy shoes for not running - these are your chillin' in the van kicks.
  • Sweaty bands, scrunchies, hair bands (not Ratt or Motley Crue), bobby pins, whatever spares you'll need to keep your hair out of your face.
  • Loungewear - something comfy to wear during the 2-3 hours in which you might sleep.  Immediately after, you will change into one of your running outfits.
  • Your Team shirt for the finish!
  • Post-race clothing - something for Saturday night (dinner or hitting the bars), to sleep in, and to wear home on Sunday.  Ideally all of this after a shower.
  • WIPES - you don't actually wear these, but they will be part of your clothing ritual, so keep 'em handy with your changes of clothing (along with DEODORANT).  After each leg you run, you'll cool down while the next person runs their leg, THEN you'll change at the next stop.  Wipe yourself down, stuff the sweaty clothes into one of the ziplocs (seal TIGHTLY), reapply smell-good stuff, then get dressed in your next outfit.
  • Each van must have 1 reflective vest.  We had 2 in each, so that it was one less thing to hand off.  You also need blinky lights, front and back.

Crap to make you comfy (most of this is optional, personal preference.. remember, it all needs to fit!)
  • BODY GLIDE, sunscreen
  • Sunglasses or visor
  • Foam roller
  • Yoga mat, for stretching or just hanging out between legs (of the run, not someone else's)
  • Sleeping bag or blanket
  • Tent - really, only a few people from each van need to bring one.  You can double up, and some people can sleep in the van if they like.
  • Pillow
  • Towel(s) - Just because.  Either to sit on, or in case there's an oasis on the final leg that actually has a working shower.
  • Folding chair
  • First aid kit (one per van)
  • Markers, paper, signs, decorations - crazy crap to pimp your ride.
  • Electronics - camera, phone, charging cords (and an adapter.. these vans won't have USB ports)
  • Toiletries - you will want to brush your teeth when you wake up!
  • Hand sanitizer, extra TP

Crap you might wanna eat
  • Bring whatever hydration, fuel belt, etc you normally use for long runs.
  • Fuel, especially for that final, early morning run... you probably won't feel like eating anything heavy at 3am.
  • Split the rest of the stuff up amongst the van.  Everyone can certainly bring their favorites, but you don't want 6 people bringing their own coolers and grocery bags!  Divvy up the big stuff, and then let people add whatever else they need.  Suggestions:
    • Bottled water - grab a few cases
    • Some Nuun tubes
    • Case of single-size chocolate milks (also conveniently available at BJs)
    • BJs-sized tub of pretzels
    • Bunches of bananas
    • Muffins for breakfast
    • Cheese sticks or squeezey yogurts
    • veggies and hummus
    • PLAN FOR DINNER!  During the day, you'll be able to find somewhere to eat.  After your night shift or before your night shift (depending on when your van starts / finishes), you will probably be out in the boonies, and pickin's will be slim.  Bring a big pasta salad, or some sandwich fixin's.
... and THAT is how you pack for a relay!  The MotherRunners also have a nice printable version of this, without all of the editorial comments!

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