Monday, June 30, 2014

2 Not-So-Rave-Runs

It has been mighty humid here as of late, resulting in 2 less than stellar runs!  The first was the Esprit de She 10K on Thursday, sponsored by Athlete (and a buncha other folks!).  The good first:
  1. Fairly nice course, even if it was 2 loops.
  2. Parking was easy enough
  3. Great swag!  The tanks are super cute, it's one of my favorite race tops!
  4. Immediately after crossing the finish, we were handed a bottle of nice cold water, a banana, Tru Moo chocolate milk (YUM!), and Trader Joe's trail mix.  That was before we actually got to the party!
  5. Nice after-party!  Even for the slowbies, there was plenty to go around.  There were adult beverages available (2 glasses of wine included in your race fee), sandwiches and baked goods from La Farm, and lots of other booths with yogurt and stuff.  There was also a live band with a VERY diverse portfolio!  They covered Michael Jackson, Nirvana, Ratt, and a ton of other random stuff!
  6. This probably belongs in the "not so great" (for out-of-towners for sure!), but it worked out well for those of us IN town - the tanks were late.  They didn't come in until Sunday, so you had to go to the store over the weekend to get them.  Bonus: for our trouble, they also handed out $15 gift certs... and of course there was a sale going on.. sure that worked out for them in the long run!
My only real complaint about the race was the fact that it and packet pick up were on week nights.  Granted, I knew that when I signed up for, but when it came time to deal with those logistics in the middle of the week, I realized that I probably would not do this one again.  The fact that it was an evening race in JUNE also made it super hot!  Too bad.. I liked the race, and would probably do it again, but the timing is really stinky!

Not even going to tell you what my time was.. my Bia must have been prepping for an upgrade after, because the mileage was off  quite a bit. By the time we finished, I'd done 7.6 miles!  (made my finish time look much more respectable!).

Not-so-rave-run #2 (appropriately numbered) was a 10 miler through Umstead on Sat with the Cheap Bait ladies.  It was humid, hilly, and slow.  Unfortunately my Bia worked just fine, so I'm not sharing that time, either! 

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